At this months Executive Greg Bennett presented on The Athletic pathway phase 2 - it was signed off as a mandatory Club team policy .
Now we want to present to the club coaching network across all four codes the contents of phase 2 -
The presentation will begin at 8.30 next Wednesday 18th October in Club hall.
The meeting’s focus will be on how we intend to develop the foundational skill sets of our club coaches in Athletic Development . This will involve a continuation of all aspects of Athletic development highlighted in phase 1 . However Phase 2 will have with a greater emphasis on developing our club coaches- from a practical aspect.
Mentors from our Ogra - to CCC1 to CCC2 to Adult section are requested to attend- not only to hear the content but also information on the teams cost model will operate
As many of you will not have seen our new gym we will open the meeting with a 10 minute visit to our new top class facility .
We will be circulating this meeting across social media and club WhatsApp groups
We are seeking a large attendance on the night to spread the message to ALL we are truly interested in in assisting our players reach their potential
Again the meeting will be in the Club hall -
Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 8.30pm