The following Referee of youth games (Level 3 U13-U16) course is now advertised on our Coaching & Games website.
Level 3 (U13/U16) | St. Jude’s | 9th/11th/16th & 21stSeptember 2024 | 7.00pm – 9.00pm with practical session on 21stTBA |
We are bow taking reg...
Dear member,
this years’ Annual General Meeting of Raheny GAA Club will take place on Monday 27th November 2023 at 7.30pm in the club hall.
Only paid-up full members (18 years of age and over) are permitted to attend the event.&...
On the 1st of January, we received the devastating news that our friend and colleague Fiona Lambert had sadly lost her long battle with breast cancer. Her daughters Keelin and Mia, and son Jamie all play in the Club. Fiona was a mentor with our 2007/U15 ladies’ football & camogie teams...